Educational Projects

The power of audio is bringing imagination to life

Educational Projects

The power of audio is bringing imagination to life

That’s why, it is only natural for us to create educational and accessible projects for children and youth all over the world.
The narrative audio experience allows listeners to imagine the indescribable, step into the shoes of a character and experience their story from their point of view.

Using a pair of headphones, we can visit distant lands and ancient times, hear magical stories, and meet new characters.
The world of sounds provides a special way to convey a message, explore knowledge, and encourage learning in an emotional and experiential way that leaves a deep impression and stays with us long after listening.

AUDIO DRAMA aims to break the boundaries of educational media and offer a new interactive way to teach children and youth, using the learning methods ​​of tomorrow and offering an active experience that the students are an integral part of.

Imagine the students meeting a historical figure, or the moment they visit a famous site through their ears. Think of the instant ability to tell the story of a special place or object! And all with simple means that create immediate empathy. 

And all this without limitation of time and place – at school, on social networks, on social media platforms, and even at home.

Google TLV Office Tour
An Educational Audio Tour for Youth in the Google Israel Offices
The Old Man and the Desert
The Story of David Ben Gurion’s Coming to the Israeli Negev
Song of the Depths
Story of a Shell
Mayhem in the Museum
A Narrative Audio Tour of the Yitzhak Rabin Center

AUDIO DRAMA aims to break the boundaries of educational media and offer a new interactive way to teach children and youth, using the learning languages of tomorrow and offering an active experience that the students are an integral part of.

איך זה עובד?

לכו איתי הוא פרויקט המבוסס על שמע בלבד.
המאזינים מגיעים לנקודת ההתחלה עם סמארטפון ואוזניות, מקישים קוד שמקנה גישה לנגן האודיו ולמפה, לוחצים פליי ויוצאים לדרך.